Thursday, 30 July 2009

Shit or get off the pot!

So what HAVE I been doing since I first posted on my blog. The weekends are spent doing loads of different fun things with my husband and are lovely but the weekdays when he is at work and I am at home are the times that need accounting for. So lets see

- 30% of my time is spent sleeping (like most of us),
- another 15% cooking (that's right I am discovering my domesticated side),
- 5% miscellanneous and unmentionables!!!!
- and a whopping 50% it turns out is spent on surfing websites on interior design and home decor.

That sounds rather bleak so I must add that this figure includes time spent on pursuits which spin off from the web surfing i.e. watching TV shows of a similar ilk, shopping for the home products I spot online, sometimes preceded by strategic influencing of 'the husband' on the need for another set of such and such, and when that fails thinking up clever DIY ideas to make it myself.

Once I was over the shock of that statistical deduction and the purely coincidental but simultaneous conclusion about the dire unpopularity and frankly sheer uselessness of my blog in its current form - I realised in its truest sense the meaning of the famous saying 'Shit or get off the pot'.

Oooh pressure not nice!!

Anyhow rather than walking off into bloggers oblivion I figured maybe I could write about what I actually found out there in my many online and other meanders. That way if I did pester my friends with links to my blog at least they would not have to be nice about my dreary attempts at trying to be writer - they could actually get some use out of my web trawls should they decide to redecorate their homes.

So I did a quick mental check on my fulfilled as well as unrequited decor loves of these past few months. As it happens my rather long-winded approach would typically involve a long list of about 10 possibilities. This would then be followed by mulling, sleeping over, rechecking, fretting as I lost a couple of options coz the sites ran out of stock while I mulled. This moved on in about 3 weeks (i.e. if I hadn't gone off the idea by then) to presenting a shortlist of about 3 options, in a well thought through financing conversation, to said husband. And finally based on the strength of the grimace on his face sort of making up my mind on what we were getting. Tedious as it sounds just by virtue of being so long and indecisive the process made it neccessary that I save photos and links in a word file.

So long and short of it I think I may actually be in business since I have loads of material stashed away! Yippeee!!

Now to kick off general lassitude and actually upload my first post! As ever easier said than done!

Monday, 27 July 2009

3 and half months on

Probably no different from millions of new bloggers I too spent a good amount of time wondering if I should start my own blog or not. I deeply analyzed my motivations for doing so, and after much rumination and having convinced myself that it was only a means of self expression and not a secret urge to unveil hitherto hidden talent - I courageously put up my first post.

I thought of a clever title (you know the kinds that would sound good if my blog ever got published in the real world - never hurts to be prepared for fame!) read it five times over tweaking the witty bits with each read, made sure I had been self deprecating enough to be interesting but not so much that I came across as a loser and finally clicked on the link that said post.

Job done - brilliant - first attempt at self expression successful. And now onto the nailbiting wait to see if anybody actually wanted to read what I had written.

As was plainly inevitable nobody did - I checked the next day - and the next and the one after - in fact I even came back 2 weeks later. But no - no sign of droves of delighted readers sending in appreciative comments and waiting with bated breadth for my next post.

Considering that I myself had never seriously followed a blog I have to say my idea of what to expect was mostly fictitious. Also my extreme self conciousness meant that I hadn't actually forwarded the link to anyone.

So 3 and half months later with much reflection and more self analyses I have figured out that unless I harass my friends by forwarding them links to my blog or gather the guts to ask someone how this is actually done, nothing short of a miracle can ensure that someone actually reads what I am writing.

Hmmm very interesting thought indeed - I mean if nobody is going to read this then I can actually write whatever the hell I want. But then if nobody is going to read this then do I really want to write it at all..... quite a conundrum!!!