Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Indian design blogs a nostalgic discovery

Happened to come across a list of top Indian interior design blogs. Having lived away from India for over four years now I was surprised by how much I warmed up to some of them.

My own personal style has swung completly away from the huge focus on bright colours in India. I don't like too much traditional Indian ornamentation or embroidery or art in my home. And yet looking at the beautifully traditional homes in rang decor brought a huge pang of nostalgia and homesickness.

The home of the blog author Archana Srinivas (below) was featured in Apartmenttherapy.

And then I thought I had found my absolute favourite! Posted on the blog anindiansummer - the photographs of this home were breathtaking. The home featured seemed to capture the essence of Indian homes without being overtly traditional. I loved the strongly natural feel - cotton, jute, wood, silk and stone everywhere - dotted with splashes of colour.

Well clearly I was so taken by the photos that I didn't actually read the blog - it was only much later that I realised the the gorgeous photos were of a villa in Brazil!!

Anyhow Brazil or Inda I know you can only ever pull off these looks in tropical places - but looking at these photos is really making me want a home in India - somewhere with lots of trees open verandahs, warm sunshine and colour!