I went on to discover that bedside tables are one of the most neglected areas in high street furniture design. Having trawled through a vast variety of utterly uninspiring blocky oak affairs online and in stores I was just about ready to give up.
When I spotted on ebay a bedside table with a mirro

But having been spoiled by my search for table lamps I had come to believe that if you saw something nice retailing on ebay there was inevitably a posher cousin to be found somewhere in the real world. Just to satisfy my curiosity I started looking around.

And then I saw the Charlston range by Laura Ashley. Now that bedside table (image alongside) truly tickled every acquisitive bone in my body. Incredibly sleek with lovely curved wooden legs, it was just so sophisticated, though inevitably much pricier than its ebay cousin. At £250 a piece it was clearly beyond budget. To really rub salt in the wound it even went on sale, the week after I saw it, coming down to a tantalizing £187 a piece - low enough to make me lust uncontrollably but not enough for me to actually be able to afford it.
Life's not fair I thought! Thats the

All this while my trusty and reliable Ebay version patiently hung around waiting for me to get around to the decision I was fated to make. Until finally one afternoon I happened to be browsing around the shops and lo and behold what do I see but my Ebay bedside table, I mean an identical version of it, being retailed by M&S Home, only it was priced at £199 a piece. A premium of a whopping £54 over what I was getting it at online. Instinctive shopper psychology took over instantly and I went home thrilled at having found myself a bargain and ordered the tables off ebay that very evening. I was clearly on a roll because I happened to also get £25 gift voucher from ebay that day. So great result all in all!
Every once in a while though I go around to the Laura Ashley website and wistfully look at the Charlston table. But I do always come home quite contentedly to my reliable, smart, (cheaper) ebay ones!