Monday, 27 July 2009

3 and half months on

Probably no different from millions of new bloggers I too spent a good amount of time wondering if I should start my own blog or not. I deeply analyzed my motivations for doing so, and after much rumination and having convinced myself that it was only a means of self expression and not a secret urge to unveil hitherto hidden talent - I courageously put up my first post.

I thought of a clever title (you know the kinds that would sound good if my blog ever got published in the real world - never hurts to be prepared for fame!) read it five times over tweaking the witty bits with each read, made sure I had been self deprecating enough to be interesting but not so much that I came across as a loser and finally clicked on the link that said post.

Job done - brilliant - first attempt at self expression successful. And now onto the nailbiting wait to see if anybody actually wanted to read what I had written.

As was plainly inevitable nobody did - I checked the next day - and the next and the one after - in fact I even came back 2 weeks later. But no - no sign of droves of delighted readers sending in appreciative comments and waiting with bated breadth for my next post.

Considering that I myself had never seriously followed a blog I have to say my idea of what to expect was mostly fictitious. Also my extreme self conciousness meant that I hadn't actually forwarded the link to anyone.

So 3 and half months later with much reflection and more self analyses I have figured out that unless I harass my friends by forwarding them links to my blog or gather the guts to ask someone how this is actually done, nothing short of a miracle can ensure that someone actually reads what I am writing.

Hmmm very interesting thought indeed - I mean if nobody is going to read this then I can actually write whatever the hell I want. But then if nobody is going to read this then do I really want to write it at all..... quite a conundrum!!!

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